Hi there ,
In this post I'm going to explain in detail about how to push and retrieve message from IBM websphere MQ through orchestration in biztalk. To begin with, ensure that you have IBM websphere mq installed and configured in your system properly.
The Process:
The below screenshot depicts the overall process
1. Create any schema you like. I have created the following schema as depicted in the figure below.
2 . Add orchestration to your project. Create one receive shape of message type = your schema and bind it to logical receive port.
3. Drop one scope shape and make transaction type property of that scope to atomic.Inside the scope, place one assignments shape.
11. Build the project and add the class library reference to your project. Also register the dll file in gac through gacutil /i [dll name] command.
12. Now switch back to message assignment shape and assign the values retrieved from receive message shape to the xml variable : Variable_XML= Message_Rcv.
13. Copy the following code with values that of your environment.
IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment.Hostname = "your host name";
IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment.Port = your port [int]; //ex: 7714
IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment.Channel = "your channel name"; //ex: APP.ALL
quemgr = new IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager("Queue Manager Name"); //ex:SDCQMGR.T1
rqstqueue = quemgr.AccessQueue("Your_ request queue name",IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT + IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING);
respqueue = quemgr.AccessQueue("Your_ response queue naem",IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF + IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING);
The MQEnvironment sets the environment variables to the given values. MQQueueManager manages all the queues and channels which reside under it . rqstqueue variable is the instance of IBM.WMQ.MQQueue type which will act as a Request queue. Similarly, respqueue is of type MQQueue and will act as response queue.
14.Now we will be creating instance of MQMessage, One request message and response message respectively. First we will be instantiating ReqMsg variable.
ReqMsg = new IBM.WMQ.MQMessage();
15. Copy the following code for setting the property of request message. This request message carries the content of xml file which we are receiving at receive shape.
ReqMsg.WriteString(Variable_XML.OuterXml); \\the original message.
ReqMsg.ReplyToQueueName = "FOCiS.TO.EIL";
ReqMsg.ReplyToQueueManagerName = "SDCQMGR.T1";
Variable_obj = new GUIDCLASSLib.ClassGuid(); \\ create variable Variable_obj of type GUIDCLASSLib.ClassGuid()..
ReqMsg.CorrelationId = Variable_obj.returnguid(); \\assigning the guid to correlationId
16. Now put ReqMsg into rqstqueue :
17. Log the request message.
18. Similarly instantiate the response message variable RespMsg .
RespMsg = new IBM.WMQ.MQMessage();
RespMsg.MessageType = IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQMT_REPLY;
RespMsg.CorrelationId = ReqMsg.CorrelationId;
19. Also add the following lines of codes for GetMessageOptions.
gmo = new IBM.WMQ.MQGetMessageOptions();
gmo.WaitInterval = 5000;
20. Now get the response message by passing RespMsg and gmo as parameters to ResponseQueue.Get() method.
ResponseQueue.Get(RespMsg, gmo);
21. Log the response message:
22. Sign and build the project and deploy it to Othe BTS. You can also create one send port to send the response message to the disk. After deployment configure the application with one receive port and location . Drop the generated instance into the the receive location and check your event log.
That's all, your job is done.
I tried explaining the subject in the best possible manner I could. Your doubts and suggestions would be whemingly responded.
Hope you all had a good read. Happy blogging and reading :) .
Thank You.
Saurav Suman
Software Engineer @ Agility
In this post I'm going to explain in detail about how to push and retrieve message from IBM websphere MQ through orchestration in biztalk. To begin with, ensure that you have IBM websphere mq installed and configured in your system properly.
The Process:
The below screenshot depicts the overall process
1. Create any schema you like. I have created the following schema as depicted in the figure below.
2 . Add orchestration to your project. Create one receive shape of message type = your schema and bind it to logical receive port.
3. Drop one scope shape and make transaction type property of that scope to atomic.Inside the scope, place one assignments shape.
4. Add amqmdnet.dll file as a reference to your project. The file can be found at default installation directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin
5. Create following variables under the above created scope.
a. quemgr - type: IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager
b. ReqMsg - type: IBM.WMQ.MQMessage
c. RespMsg - type: IBM.WMQ.MQMessage
d. rqstqueue - type: IBM.WMQ.MQQueue
e. respqueue - type: IBM.WMQ.MQQueue
f. gmo- type: IBM.WMQ.MQGetMessageOptions
6. I have written the following lines of code to push and retrieve the msg with same correlationID from MQ.
7. I'll be explaining this code block by block from request message creation to response message creation . Our primary aim is to push and retrieve the message from queue based on correlationID.
Create one variable of type System.xml.xmldocument. This variable will hold the values arriving from receive shape.
8. Now we will be generating guid for our request message.correlationID . I tried creating the guid in the expression shape but since XLang doesn't support byte [] array , i was compelled to make one class library for creating guid and using it to assign it to request message correlationID.
9. Add one C# Class library project in the same solution. Name it : GUIDCLASSLib and the class as ClassGuid.
10. Add the following lines of code as shown below:
12. Now switch back to message assignment shape and assign the values retrieved from receive message shape to the xml variable : Variable_XML= Message_Rcv.
13. Copy the following code with values that of your environment.
IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment.Hostname = "your host name";
IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment.Port = your port [int]; //ex: 7714
IBM.WMQ.MQEnvironment.Channel = "your channel name"; //ex: APP.ALL
quemgr = new IBM.WMQ.MQQueueManager("Queue Manager Name"); //ex:SDCQMGR.T1
rqstqueue = quemgr.AccessQueue("Your_ request queue name",IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT + IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING);
respqueue = quemgr.AccessQueue("Your_ response queue naem",IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF + IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING);
The MQEnvironment sets the environment variables to the given values. MQQueueManager manages all the queues and channels which reside under it . rqstqueue variable is the instance of IBM.WMQ.MQQueue type which will act as a Request queue. Similarly, respqueue is of type MQQueue and will act as response queue.
14.Now we will be creating instance of MQMessage, One request message and response message respectively. First we will be instantiating ReqMsg variable.
ReqMsg = new IBM.WMQ.MQMessage();
15. Copy the following code for setting the property of request message. This request message carries the content of xml file which we are receiving at receive shape.
ReqMsg.WriteString(Variable_XML.OuterXml); \\the original message.
ReqMsg.ReplyToQueueName = "FOCiS.TO.EIL";
ReqMsg.ReplyToQueueManagerName = "SDCQMGR.T1";
Variable_obj = new GUIDCLASSLib.ClassGuid(); \\ create variable Variable_obj of type GUIDCLASSLib.ClassGuid()..
ReqMsg.CorrelationId = Variable_obj.returnguid(); \\assigning the guid to correlationId
16. Now put ReqMsg into rqstqueue :
17. Log the request message.
18. Similarly instantiate the response message variable RespMsg .
RespMsg = new IBM.WMQ.MQMessage();
RespMsg.MessageType = IBM.WMQ.MQC.MQMT_REPLY;
RespMsg.CorrelationId = ReqMsg.CorrelationId;
19. Also add the following lines of codes for GetMessageOptions.
gmo = new IBM.WMQ.MQGetMessageOptions();
gmo.WaitInterval = 5000;
20. Now get the response message by passing RespMsg and gmo as parameters to ResponseQueue.Get() method.
ResponseQueue.Get(RespMsg, gmo);
21. Log the response message:
22. Sign and build the project and deploy it to Othe BTS. You can also create one send port to send the response message to the disk. After deployment configure the application with one receive port and location . Drop the generated instance into the the receive location and check your event log.
That's all, your job is done.
I tried explaining the subject in the best possible manner I could. Your doubts and suggestions would be whemingly responded.
Hope you all had a good read. Happy blogging and reading :) .
Thank You.
Saurav Suman
Software Engineer @ Agility